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Write an essay in response to one of the following prompts, Please verify you are a human

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Write a multi-paragraph essay in response to one of the following prompts or choose one of your own, with my approval. Your goal in this assignment is to respond to persuade others to consider your perspective. Imagine that you are writing for a group of people who do not agree with you. An effective argument will draw examples from the short stories by quoting from the text. You are to use what you have learned about elements of short fiction to analyze and evaluate the story you are writing about. (Your paper should be a minimum of three pages in length):

"Old Italian" ends on a sad note with the narrator feeling badly about herself and her people. Is Saima overreacting, or does she have reason to feel the way she does? What does her childhood experience allow us to learn about the effects of being marginalized (in this case because of one’s ethnicity and color)?

After finalizing your prompt, work through the following steps to arrive at a topic and compose your draft:

1. Develop a working thesis statement that presents your ideas clearly

and makes sense to the reader: (The following thesis is an example of what a thesis for

option 3 would look like)

· In James Joyce’s "Araby," an adolescent boy learns that his romantic intentions are futile despite the grandiose view he takes of himself and the object of his desire. Although the narrator is foolish by many readers’ standards, it is easy to understand how a child living in such a bleak place and situation would want to engage in fantasy. For this reason, he is a sympathetic character. A thesis like this allows the writer to explore a number of elements from the story including the boy’s foolishness/fantasy life, the setting, the boy’s family situation and essay online buy his epiphany in order to create a focused, well-developed argument.

2. Find evidence to support your thesis. Then use the following as a guide for developing your analytical body paragraphs (see also the "Tips" handout from class):

· Identify the source and author.

· Explain the specific idea you’re discussing about the author’s work. (An observation or claim about what you’ve read)

· Quote relevant material/an example that supports the previous statement. (Remembering to use only what you need, provide context, blend the quote smoothly with your own words, and cite it correctly).

· Reflect on what you’ve quoted, expecting no quotation to speak for itself. (How does it support the idea you’ve raised?)

· Extend your reflection, making it clear what work you’re doing to add value (by discussing significance or making connections).

3. Read the "Tips for Writing about Literature" handout for literary conventions

and MLA rules you need to follow when writing this type of an essay.

4. Use the handout to help you draft a working thesis, intro and outline.

5. Follow the outline to write the first draft

6. Post the draft to elearning.

7. Once you have posted your feedback to your peer’s essay and received feedback on your own, use your reader’s response to revise and edit your essay for the final draft. Write an essay in response to one of the following prompts

How to Write a Response Essay: Things That Make It Work

Response essays are written to teach you to reflect on a specific written piece. Such essays are perfect for checking your ability to express your points coherently (unlike a ladership essay ). How to write a response essay? Organize your workflow - define major points, provide logical reasoning to draw a reader in. And, essay buy online of course, close it with a strong summary.

Your teacher may ask you to express your attitude to a text. You may be required to describe the writer's intention, topic or story. In any case, a good response paper requires quite an effort. So let’s start and find out where to start, how to focus on school work and what our final goal is.

What is a Response Essay?

According to the response paper definition, this piece of writing has to trigger thought-provoking questions or issues. Feel free to include your personal perspective and give a deep analysis and overall meaning. All of your statements and arguments should be sound. Support them with enough evidence and examples.

Response Paper Purposes and Objectives

A response or reaction essay is asked by professors so that you carefully study what you feel or think about a particular work. This type of writing takes a considerable amount of time for research. You need to interpret a text and review how it serves its unique purpose. What are the things to focus on? When reading your literary piece, answer the following questions:

How you feel about it

Whether you agree or disagree with the author

The best way to value the entire story

Your major objective is to find your unique angle and to disclose it with references and critical commentary.

How to Write a Response Paper Step-by-Step

If you wonder how to write a good response essay, follow these simple steps:

Understand your first impressions

Define a subject and give reasoning

Determine strong and weak points

Make a summary outline

Focus on your personal impressions when reading a text. Firstly you should outline its title, style and specify the major idea. Pay attention to the key questions or issues you deal with. Also, define the subtext, provide an explanation for specific details. Point out their meaning or importance on global and essay online buy personal levels.

Reflect on your life experiences. Determine weak and strong points of the entire content in body paragraphs. Tell readers your attitude towards those ideas. Let them know if you disagree or agree with the writer’s point. To sound legit, you need to present good counter arguments that you can bring up. Finally, summarize all thoughts and restate your thesis in a conclusion.

Develop a Strong Response Essay Thesis

Response essay thesis is a major idea that you stand for in your paper. In most cases, the thesis is reflected in just 1-2 sentences. But completing this task can be pretty challenging. You need to interpret and understand a text and express your opinion. State your major idea in a brief sentence in an opening paragraph. A good thesis statement is a cornerstone of a successful paper. Do not haste with it and spend some extra time composing the best one.

Creating Response Essay Outline

Response paper outline is a planned structure of the text, key ideas, and points. Write an outline before starting a paper to get the major idea of your structure. But what to include in its outline? There are certain components that should be present in your plan. For instance, the chosen point of view, major argument, and so on. Your opinion can take the following forms:

Disagreement or agreement with ideas

Examination of authors and their audience

Reflection on how concepts describe other ideas

Feedback to how major arguments relate to your own experiences

Assessment of how a text influences readers

A good essay outline may facilitate your writing process. So it’s always better to start with one when you have already defined the topic.

Response Essay Structure

Response essays have a regular 3-part essay structure. It includes an introduction, body, and conclusion. However, the actual content and intent of this essay are different. Learn its specifics and check the easy steps to writing its structure.

1. Response Essay Introduction

Response paper introduction starts with a few sentences to summarize the work you have read. You may also make notes while researching the topic to use them in your intro. It should be brief and precise. An introduction should be closed and summed up with a strong, debatable thesis statement.

2. Main Body

In the main body of the response paper, express your main ideas and reactions. It should consist of at least three paragraphs. Make sure to explain one reaction per paragraph. Otherwise, you risk making your paper messy.

3. Response Paper Conclusion

The response essay conclusion should summarize the main ideas mentioned in the paper. Restate the writer’s thesis statement in the introductory paragraph. Avoid repeating the same ideas, preferably synthesize new ones. Also, do not introduce any new ideas in conclusion. And don’t use ideas that contradict the arguments given in the paper.

Response Essay Examples

And now, it will be good for you to check out response essay examples. We offer several professional essay samples. Examine the structure, the style, and the narration. Pay attention to important elements as the thesis statement and conclusion. Check out the paper attached below.

What are Important Dos and Don’ts?

A good response paper should include a review of the author’s work based on your critical judgments about its concept. Make sure that your writing reflects the ideas that you disagree or agree with. Make sure that it classifies weak and strong points logically. A good response essay has to be convincing. It must be based on relevant examples and strong evidence. And, of course, to reflect your attitude.


Analyze a figurative and thematic meaning of your story

Describe your emotional attitude towards characters

Use interesting examples or quotes

Review text several times to make sure you noticed everything

Add your unique perspective and vision


Avoid simply reviewing and summarizing the plot

Never say that you don’t like major or minor characters for no reason

Don’t simplify, don’t give vague reasons behind your analysis and reflection

Avoid making obvious or buy an essay superficial insights

Don’t repeat the ideas of other students

Also, keep in mind such basic things like grammar and punctuation. If you want your response paper to look great, spend some effort on proofreading.

Common Response Paper Format Mistakes

Response essay format requires a writer to follow certain stylistic rules. To submit a perfect draft, make sure that you avoid all common mistakes. For instance, including your personal story in a response essay can be inappropriate. An essay is not an autobiography to feature your life experiences. Don’t reiterate the same thoughts again. Never retell readers the whole text because teachers expect you to analyze the information.

The other typical mistake is procrastination. Many students tend to procrastinate because of the task’s difficulty. This academic assignment is time-consuming, and it requires in-depth analysis and reading. Set aside enough time to complete it successfully. Look for useful samples or templates to avoid making common mistakes. It's a winning strategy to end up with top-quality content.

Where to Get Expert Assistance?

After reading this helpful guide, you’ll get a clear idea of how to write the best response essay with ease. What if it’s not enough? If you feel that you need extra help, turn to online professionals! Reach your academic goals with effective custom writing solutions. Entrust your complex assignments and tricky academic tasks to real pros! Their helping hand is a few clicks away. Get your expert assistance here and now.

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1. What is a reader response essay?

A reader response essay is a form of reflection on a book, essay, or another historical source. This essay requires good knowledge of the text and may involve direct quotations. The author needs to express the attitude to the text, not to retell the plot.

2. What is a short response essay?

A short response essay is normally between 300 and 500 words. This variation usually serves as classwork for 25-30 minutes.

3. What is the difference between summary and response essays?

The difference between summary and response lies in the writer’s intent. In the summary essay, you need to analyze and interpret the information. When in a responsive essay, you need to express your opinion on some point. In most cases - opinion on a book, essay, or text.

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How to Write an Essay Following a Prompt

The most important aspect of writing a successful essay that follows a prompt is to fully understand what the prompt is asking you to do. The prompt tells you how the essay should be written and what is expected of you as the writer. For example, a prompt might ask you to put forth an argument, explain or describe a phenomenon or narrate a story.

Understand the Prompt

The essay prompt contains instructions for the kind of essay that you are asked to write. While carefully reading the prompt, you should pay close attention to any particular tips or supporting details that it contains. You might even find it helpful to underline key verbs that tell you what specific topics your essay should cover. These details hold the key to fully comprehending instructions and developing ideas for your essay.

Paraphrase the Prompt

In order to fully understand what the prompt is asking you to do, you should paraphrase the prompt, or put it in your own words. The essay prompt may identify your goal in the essay by stating it directly (e.g., evaluate, analyze, compare), or it may identify the type of essay that you are being asked to write (e.g., explanatory, analytical, comparison). In either case, make sure that you rewrite the prompt in your own words so that you fully understand the goals of the essay. This way you will be able to write a unified and coherent essay that follows the prompt.

Identify Essay Goals and Type

The essay prompt might ask you to write an explanatory or descriptive essay, or ask you to explain an idea or describe a concept. If the essay prompt asks you to analyze something, then it is asking you to write an analytical essay; if it asks you to summarize something, then it is asking you to write a summary essay. Two other main types of essays are the comparison essay, which asks you to compare and contrast two or more topics, and the argumentative essay, which asks you to put forth and justify a position or claim.

Organize and Write Your Essay

Once you understand what the essay prompt is asking you do and know the goals of the essay, you are ready to organize and write your essay. Your essay should have three main sections: an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. The introduction should introduce the topic and main idea of your essay by addressing the goals that the prompt instructed you to achieve. The body paragraphs of the essay should support the main idea with appropriate evidence (a requirement often mentioned in the prompt). Finally, the conclusion should contain a brief summary of your essay.

Purdue Online Writing Lab: Understanding the Prompt

Purdue Online Writing Lab: Parts of the Essay

Kate Prudchenko has been a writer and editor for five years, publishing peer-reviewed articles, essays, and book chapters in a variety of publications including Immersive Environments: Future Trends in Education and Contemporary Literary Review India. She has a BA and MS in Mathematics, MA in English/Writing, and is completing a PhD in Education.

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Write an essay in response to one of the following prompts, Write an essay in response to one of the following prompts
