Blog entry by Tod Kuhn

Picture of Tod Kuhn
by Tod Kuhn - Tuesday, November 8, 2022, 6:20 PM
Anyone in the world

Brett Sears, PT, MDT, is a physical therapist with over 20 years of experience in orthopedic and hospital-based therapy. Mohamad Hassan, PT, DPT, diagnoses neuromuscular and orthopedic conditions, including sprains, strains, and post-operation fractures and tears. Our expert team will evaluate you for the best therapies, including kinesiology taping, to target your injuries. Jennifer Gamboa, a spokeswoman for the American Physical Therapy Assn. who runs a private physical therapy practice in Arlington, Va., says that she sometimes uses kinesiology tapes on clients, including dancers with sore ankles or members of the general public with lower-back pain. There are several types of tape commonly used to tape the feet for plantar fasciitis, however kinesiology tape has recently become the most popular material. In the time since, many athletes have used kinesiology tape for support, injury prevention, and healing. Ankle taping with SpiderTech Kinesiology Tape 2 x 16 5cm x 5m Uncut Rolls of SpiderTape offers many benefits and is effective when you’re dealing with a past or present injury or working hard on the field or in the gym. Kinesio taping helps with tendonitis because it is very thin and elastic and can be applied over the injury. I can also show you 3 different looking applications that serve the same purpose. Studies for the use of kinesiology tape show varies results; the tape is not a cure-all for golfer's elbow, and you should engage in an active rehab program to help your condition.

Improving fluid dynamics was the reason why Dr. Kase originally invented kinesiology tape. Specifically, here is what we know about kinesiology tape and why it is so frequently used. Watch your skin around the tape for signs of irritation, and remove the kinesiology tape if you see any redness of your skin. Remove the paper backing off of the remaining arm of the "Y," and then stretch it 25-50% and adhere it to your forearm. Once your kinesiology tape is stretched across your elbow, remove the paper backing on one of the arms of the "Y." Stretch the tape over your forearm, and then press it and rub it to affix the tape to your forearm. Once your "Y" strip is cut, tear the paper backing on the wide end of the tape and at the base of each arm of the "Y." This is just an inch or so of th epiece that is opposite the "Y." Leave the paper backing on-you'll remove it in later steps. Start the application of the kinesiology tape for golfer's elbow by removing the paper backing on the end of the tape opposite that "Y" arms.

Once the tape is applied to your elbow, you are ready to go. If you have medial epicondylitis or golfer's elbow, you may benefit from physical therapy to help you eliminate your pain and get back to your normal activities. Your PT may prescribe various exercises for your golfer's elbow, and he or she may use different treatments and modalities to help treat your condition. That will likely include exercises to help improve the way your elbow moves and improve your elbow's tolerance to accepting stresses and loads. "Taping" has become a widely-accepted form of therapy in the athletic population, but its potential to help many more people is just beginning to be tapped into. A majority of studies did not utilize blinding in any form for the participants or assessors. Donec V, Kubilius R. The effectiveness of Kinesio Taping® for pain management in knee osteoarthritis: a randomized, double-blind, controlled clinical trial. Efficacy of Knee Tape in the Management of Osteoarthritis of the Knee: Blinded Randomised Controlled Trial. Nonsurgical Management of Knee Pain in Adults. Researchers from the second study concluded that therapeutic tape reapplied weekly and worn for three weeks significantly reduced pain by 38 to 40 percent and improved disability in patients with knee osteoarthritis.

Kinesiology tape for your golfer's elbow may be one option that your physical therapist uses to treat your condition. You should also review the contraindications to kinesiology taping. Before applying kinesiology tape to your body, review the specific types of strips available and familiarize yourself with contraindications for their use. Anchor the end on the side of your arm and gently adhere to the tape. Lay down the end with no stretch and carefully rub to activate the adhesive. Once the end of your kinesiology tape is affixed to the medial epicondyle of your elbow, apply 25% to 50% stretch to the tape while removing the paper backing. Twelve physical therapists were trained to tape the knees so that the upper tape provided medial glide, medial tilt, and anteroposterior tilt to the kneecap. Typically, this type of pain occurs somewhere around the kneecap or patellar tendon, according to Sedicum. If you are dealing with the pain and limited function related to golfer's elbow, you may benefit from using kinesiology tape to help improve muscular support and muscle facilitation to your elbow. This may help you quickly return to your previous level of pain-free function and activity.
